Practice! Play! Promote! 17-26.06.2021 (APV 04-07.06.2021)

Practice! Play! Promote! is Erasmus+ youth exchange organized by non-formal group “Youth for Methoni”. This project have two activities:
APV (Advance Planning Visit) on 5th – 6th June + 2 days for travel (1 participant from each organization that is 18+ years old)
Youth Exchange on 18th – 25th June + 2 days for travel (8 participants from 13-30 years old (preferably 16-23 years old) + 1 group leader 18+ years old)
On each of the activities participants from 5 countries will participate: Greece represented from Youth for Methoni, N.Macedonia represented from EVEC Stip, Bulgaria represented from YIYD, Serbia represented from TUS Leskovac and Hungary represented from Kalamaris Egyesulet.
All the costs for accommodation and food are covered by organizers plus 275 eur contribution to round travel for each participant except Greeks because they are from Methoni. Even this project was applied before COVID-19 pandemic, we will do our best to pay or contribute to the costs of PCR Covid-19 test that every participant will need to enter Greece.
The project has following objectives:
• to make participants aware of the importance of healthy and active lifestyle;
• to make participants to develop actions which fight with obesity through organizing a campaign in Methoni;
• to enable participants to use Petanque as a tool for actively spending time outdoor;
• to increase self-empowerment and self-esteem of the youngsters.
It’s an international meeting during which the youngsters get the opportunity to learn from each other and exchange experiences. They have a chance to work in multicultural teams and build up their own European network. More we share with each other, more we learn from each other.
The hotel where the group will be accommodated is Hotel and apartments Finikas. According to the Greek law every hotel MUST respect COVID-19 protocols distributed by the government in order to guarantee safe environment for the guests. It is good to know that Methoni/Messinia area it is low level affected area from COVID-19.
If you are interested you can apply HERE