Carpe Diem is a non formal group of youngsters believing in the famous phrase of Horace “Enjoy yourself while you have the chance”. According to inspiration from ancient philosophy our aims are:
- The cultural rise of youngsters by developing and disseminating their lifestyle, based on humanitarian and progressive concept.
- To promote, establish and develop mutual respect, cooperation and personal contacts between the youth of the country and abroad;
- Protecting and promoting the rights of young people;
- To contribute to education, to encourage mutual understanding and respect and to promote social responsibility in young people;
- To help young people to be internationally oriented and professionally trained;Providing help to youngsters against the marginalization (drug addiction, alcoholism, etc..)
- Education and raising the level of environmental awareness;
- Educating youth in various fields of culture and education through Art and Philosophy;
- Activities related to the issuance of the literature used in all levels of education;
- Developing and promoting cultural diversity through intercultural exchanges, that ERASMUS + Program is providing.
- Making contacts and promoting cooperation with other organizations of its type and similar in Europe and other countries and encouraging youngsters to participate.