The project (youth exchange) “Capture the nature” will be held from 1st till 7th of September (31st August and 8th September are travel dates). Main project activity will take place in Methoni, Greece. The project also includes workshop day in each of the countries planned to be organized during two months after YE.
Project partners are from :
Greece, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Poland.
Creativity and entrepreneurship are the characteristics of the youngsters. Because the youth is a period when the vision is shaped for the future, the right information is turned into hope. In this youth exchange, Journalism and newspaper culture which is one of the media tools frequently used today to encourage the creativity and entrepreneurship of the youngsters, will enable the youth to examine, ask questions, do the research, present new products and to implement their ideas.
The aim of the project is to help the youngsters to reveal their enterprising and creativity spirit in journalism field, by getting to know their individual skills and interests and giving them chances to try themselves in the fields of scientific, social, artistic, cultural, mental, psychological and hand skills. During this project, all the participants will learn about the phases of preparing a newspaper and the important points of releasing a remarkable newspaper and the media organs. The participants will become conscious about the necessity of active citizenship and being up to date.

Objectives :
1- To encourage the entrepreneurship of the youth by giving them active roles.
2- To develop the research and questioning skills and the critical thinking of the youngsters.
3- To let the youngsters have experience in how a newspaper is planned and presented.
4- To raise awareness in the young about following agenda events.
5- To let the young participate in the group works, be able to organize and increase self-confidence.
6- To increase the cooperation and communication among the organizations working in the field of youth in Europe, the youth workers and the young.
7- To exchange ideas about how to design cooperation activities among the newspapers

You can see our brochure here
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