How to notice HUMANITY?
After the training course, I had many emotions. I decided to write big post on my Facebook and Instagram to show people my emotions, share my new reflections, and get the impulse on starting the conversations.

,,During my last exchange, I had the opportunity to meet refugees from around the world, spend time in their camp, feast together, but also to conduct honest and intimate conversations. It was a very hard experience, I needed a lot of time to recover. I feel that something has changed in me. When you leave the media cage, you start seeing individual PEOPLE. I talked about their longing, losing their beloveds, I saw images of death that are hard to imagine in our realities. We also discussed everyday matters like school, love, dreams and people. I will not stretch here, nothing is black or white, if someone is curious about these experiences, will just meet with me. I just want to say that: Sometimes it is worth to take off economical glasses to find a way to notice the HUMANITY. #refugees #humanity’’

About ~ should youth workers show their emotions to their target group (young people with migrant background) or to be emotionless (borders, limits, balance)- I showed my emotions, it was too hard to hide the emotions, but I was there for a few days. I think they are aware their situation, and they know it is sad, so everything is understandable. However, I think the person who worked there long time is better to have more strict view because it is more helpful and is easier to solve practical problems without big emotions.
Dominika Ostańkowicz -Poland