Call for participants – project in Gdansk, Poland 06-20.03.2019

Our organisation, European Voluntary and Educational Center Athens, is partner in Erasmus+ training course with topic “Integration – sport – social activity – international seminar for youth workers”. This training course will be organised in Gdansk, Poland from 06-20 March 2019. Our organisation will be represented with 7 participants. Only qualification for this training course is participants to have at least 18 years old.
This project is divided in 2 parts: activity dates (09-17 March) and travel dates (06-09 and 17-20 March) . More information about the daily agenda (program of the activity dates) of the project we are expecting in the next days. Organizer will publish Info-pack and we will share it on our web page.
Important is that transport costs from Athens to Gdansk and back to Athens are covered from the program. Also hotel accommodation and food during the activity dates in Gdansk are covered by the program.
We are planning our group to travel with van that belong to the organisation. We are planning our trip to Gdansk in this way:
6th March – Group is starting from Athens in the morning around 08:00h from Syntagma square. In the afternoon we are arriving in Skopje where we are spending the night. We will have time to explore the city center.
7th March – Departure from Skopje around 09:00h and going to Budapest. In the late afternoon we are arriving in Budapest where we are spending the night. We will have time to explore the city center.
8th March – Departure from Budapest around 09:00h and going to Krakow. In the late afternoon we are arriving in Krakow where we are spending the night. We will have time to explore the city center.
9th March – Departure from Krakow at 06:00h and going to Auschwitz. Spending time at Auschwitz museum from 09:00 – 12:00. After museum tour, group departure to Gdansk.
09-17 March – Project activities in Gdansk. Description of the activities will be in Info-pack from the organizer that will be publish soon.
17th March – After the breakfast around 09:00h group departure from Gdansk and going to Berlin. Visit of the Berlin center for 2 hours and departure to Prague where we will spend the night and explore the center.
18th March – Departure from Prague at 09:00h and going to Zagreb. In the late afternoon we will arrive in Zagreb where we will spend the night. We will have time to explore the city center.
19th March – Departure from Zagreb at 09:00h and going to Skopje. In the late afternoon we will arrive in Skopje where we will spend the night. We will have time to explore the city center.
20th March – Departure from Skopje and going to Athens. Arriving in Athens in the night.
Participants should pay their accommodation and food during the travel dates. Accommodation in Skopje, Budapest, Krakow, Prague, Zagreb and again Skopje should be payed by participants. Usually in those towns out of touristic season accommodation is around 10eur. Probably TOTAL accommodation costs during the travel days will be around 60-80 eur per person.
But everything depends of the participants and how flexible they are (can boys and girls share apartment, can they sleep in hostels or they prefer only hotels, in hostels they can share their room with other guests of the hostel or only with the participants from our group from the same gender… ). There are a lot of questions that the group will discuss in common Facebook Messenger chat after selection.
This project is open only for youngsters that want to explore and have adventurous spirit, open minded and flexible youngsters, there is no place for conflict and spoiled persons. Focus of this project is friendship and new life experience; team work and flexibility; great memories and active participation; improving skills and getting new knowledge … leave racism, xenophobia and stereotypes at home and go out of your comfort zone if you want to learn something new.
Experiences from the previous project in Gdansk you can read HERE
If you are interested to participate use this link from the application form and APPLY. The Call will be open until we complete our team of 7 people.
For more questions you can always write us on our Facebook Page