Combating Youth Unemployment through Coaching 05-13.11.2019

When? Where? With Whom?

Dates: 5—13 November 2019.

Location: Sumy, Ukraine.

Participants: youth workers, trainers, youth leaders, educators from partner organisations from Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Greece, Denmark, Italy, North Macedonia and Ukraine.

Project idea

The youth unemployment is a problem, which is highly relevant for most of the Programme and

Eastern partnership countries.

There are multiple and complex causes of youth unemployment. Among them, the quality and

relevance of education, inflexible labour market and regulations, which in turn create a situation of assistance and dependency, are the main causes discussed today.

The situation is usually worse when we are talking about young people from non-capital, small cities, rural, distant areas or deprived urban areas. Among consequences of youth unemployment is further urbanisation and labour migration, which lead to regions decline.

By conducting this project we would like to provide support for local NGOs to help their target groups – local young people – in self-realization and future development as active community members.

The training course will be dedicated to the coaching of young people with fewer opportunities in their career building, especially in the online job market. The participants of the TC – youth workers who will be prepared to act as coaches in their communities and support young people in their career building.

Aims and objectives

  • to explore the causes and consequences of youth unemployment in rural and deprived urban areas;
  • to train an international group of youth workers to become coaches for young people with fewer opportunities in their self-realization and future career, especially in the online job market;
  • to support organisations working with young people with fewer opportunities (esp. those coming from rural and deprived urban areas and refugees) and provide them with the innovative tools aimed at youth development;
  • to promote international cooperation and capacity building in the field of youth work.


This is the draft of the programme. The final version of it all the participants will receive prior to the project start.


The project is supported by Erasmus+ programme of European Union.


The participants’ background:

  • youth workers, trainers, youth leaders, educators who have direct access to our final beneficiaries group of young people to multiply the new experience and skills in their communities;
  • having guaranteed support from their sending organisations in the implementing future activities based on the experience gained in the TC;
  • motivated to take part in the TC and to be personally interested in the topic of the TC;
  • motivated to implement the experience gained on the TC in their communities;
  • motivated to build and support international partnerships which will be created during the TC with the future Erasmus+ projects;
  • no younger than 18 years old (due to the international travel restrictions), no upper age limits.

Each of the partner organisation will delegate its participants to take part in the TC:

  • Faino (Denmark) — 5 participants;
  • Center for Euroinitiatives (Ukraine) — 6 participants;
  • Youth Cooperation Centre of Dilijan (Armenia)— 4 participants;
  • Society Bridge to the Future (Georgia) — 4 participants;
  • Telebelerin Iqtisadiyyat ve Menecmentlik Assosiasiyasi (Azerbaijan) — 3 participants;
  • Associazione Culturale JUMPIN (Italy) — 3 participants;
  • European Voluntary and Educational Center Athens (Greece) — 3 participants;
  • Zdruzenie na studenti po pravo i mladi pravnici Pavel Satev Kocani(North Macedonia) — 3 participants.

Deadline for sending participant’s forms — 24 of September 2019.

P.S. Greek participants MUST have passports,with ID cards can not travel in Ukraine.