ESC Project in Poland – International Business Week

We are looking for two Greek youngsters from 18-30 years old willing to travel and stay in Poland for 59 days FOR FREE, starting on 1st of May till 30th of June this year. They will be part of international volunteering group helping to the organizers of International Business Week, an event that will be in Gdansk, Poland.
All costs for travel to Poland and back to Greece and costs for accommodation and food will be payed from ESC (European Solidarity Corps) program. The volunteer will receive pocket money too. At the end Youthpass certificate will be given.
The ONLY criteria for applicants is to be between 18-30 years old. No specific education, no specific qualification, just to be motivated to go in Poland and stay there 59 days for free.
Those of you that are interested please apply HERE
If you want to know more details of the project you can check the info-pack HERE