Erasmus+ project in Smolyan, Bulgaria 21-28.08.2021
Our organization is partner in Erasmus+ Training Course in Smolyan, Bulgaria from 21-28 July 2021. Topic of the project is “Educator for change – stay human”. Our organization should be represented by 4 participants older than 17 years old.
Accommodation, food and transportation are covered by the Erasmus+ program and participants are not paying anything. According to the Erasmus+ rules each participant is buying ticket (plane, bus or personal transportation) and after the project the organizer is reimbursing the travel costs until 180 euro per person from Greece.

Until now we have send participants to more than 5 projects in this organization and we can guarantee that they will reimburse your travel costs immediately after the project when they will receive your tickets.
Our organization is not asking for participation fee from the participants and there are no any hidden costs, everything is for free.
If you want to know more about the project you can read their INFOPACK and if you are available for those dates you can apply by fulfilling this application FORM