Entrepreneurial learning- business ideas into action 03-09.07.2021 Smolyan, Bulgaria

We are looking for 5 participants with 18+ years old for Erasmus+ project in Smolyan (Pamporovo), Bulgaria from 03-09.07.2021 on topic about entrepreneurship. Pamporovo is one of the best ski centers in Europe with picturesque climbing and hiking trails. Participants will had opportunity to learn how to ride horses in the mountain.
The methods and methodology of the project are based on non-formal learning. The process of training and development of youth workers that will be implemented in this project is based on an innovative approach implemented as a long learning process. It is a combination of an online course using ICT capabilities, 7-day skill development, and a follow-up period for application and evaluation of the results. The potential longer-term benefit is an increase of youngsters becoming entrepreneurs and self-employed individuals thanks to the quality implementation of youth work entrepreneurial learning activities for new era entrepreneurship and up-to-date relevant employability skills. The project aims:
- To improve the entrepreneurial competencies and group creativity of 25 youth
workers using demonstration and other non-formal methods by sharing and exchange
participatory methods and good practices in entrepreneurial education for 7 days; - Explore ways for using youth work to bring alienated and marginalized youth back
into the economic mainstream and giving them a sense of meaning and belonging;
Helping address some of the socio-psychological problems and delinquency that arises
from joblessness; - To support shaping project ideas on social entrepreneurship to be implemented by
participants in their work with vulnerable young groups and/or migrants. - To encourage the experience and practical abilities transfer inside European
partnership for 25 participants from 5 countries in 7 days; - To introduce the framework of social economy and social entrepreneurship with a
clear focus on their values and practice in a youth work context; - To develop tools for fostering green/social entrepreneurial attitude to be applied in
rural/natural areas; - Develop and publish online the “Handbook: Entrepreneurship Education
Staff and youth workers from partner organization have also expressed that they lack tools (methods/materials/educational resources) for working on the themes as well as international good examples and practices for youth work with entrepreneurship education and empowering young people to be active participants in the community and democratic life. Therefore, the participants will be youth workers, youth leaders, trainers, volunteers and staff from applicant and partner organizations with basic or some knowledge and experience on the topics who have a clear need and will to develop their competences, get new non-formal tools, exchange experiences, practices and ideas as well as establish future cooperation and partnerships with involved organizations. Our project also provides non-formal opportunities in the youth field and targets the specific objectives of Youth domain of Erasmus+ by improving the level of key competencies and skills of young people, including those with fewer opportunities as the 100 indirect beneficiaries will understand the financial rules and steps of starting a business, therefore, through them, the project contributes to the promotion of active participation of these young people on the labor market.
More info about the project you can read HERE
If you are interested please fulfill the application form which you can find HERE.